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11 September 2002

Following is a message by Sergei Ordzhonikidze, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, marking that one year has passed since the terrorist attacks on the United States of America on 11 September 2001.
"One year has passed since the malicious and destructive terrorist attacks on the United States of America on 11 September 2001. This is an occasion for remembrance, for reflection and for resolve.
We remember and honour the courage and dignity of the thousands who lost their lives, the fortitude of their bereaved families, and the bravery of the countless workers engaged in the rescue and recovery work. We remember how the abominable attacks not only struck a blow against the United States, but against our entire human family. Nationals of over half of the countries in the world were among the victims, and we remember the universal outpouring of grief. We recall the solidarity and unity among nations in efforts to bring the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors to justice.
The terrorist actions were a despicable attack against our common humanity, our shared values and aspirations, and against the very fabric of civilization. The world reacted with universal determination to demonstrate that no just cause can be advanced by terrorist means. All acts, methods and practices of terrorism must be strongly condemned as criminal and unjustifiable wherever and by whomsoever committed.
11 September is, therefore, also an occasion for reflecting on our common vulnerability and our common determination to overcome any threat from terrorism. It is an opportunity to reaffirm our belief that there is more that binds us together as a human family than divides us as individuals. Terrorism is a global menace and requires a global response because we are all at risk.
The events of 11 September thus strengthen our resolve to carry on our sustained efforts and persist with our comprehensive strategy to battle all aspects of the scourge of terrorism. It enhances our dedication to the ideals and principles of the UN Charter.
As we extend our sympathies and our solidarity to the people and Government of the United States of America on this sad occasion, we will redouble our resolve to persevere in our joint battle against international terrorism. Terrorism constitutes a serious and immediate threat to international peace and security and everything that we as a human family believe in, and the United Nations will continue to take a lead in combatting it in all its forms".
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