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While sexual exploitation of girls is often rooted in patriarchal structures, studies indicate that a significant proportion of boys are also depicted in online child sexual abuse material and boys are less likely than girls to disclose abuse. Similarly, the vulnerability of children of other gender or sex identities and orientations, is also often overlooked.

The report

The Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children, including child prostitution, child pornography and other child sexual abuse material, presented a thematic report (A/76/144) at the 76th session of UN General Assembly, in 2021, on the gender dimension of the sexual exploitation of children and the importance of integrating a child-centred and gender-inclusive approach to combating and eradicating the scourge.

For the preparation of the report, the Special Rapporteur sent out a questionnaire to Member States, civil society, and other stakeholders. Access the call for submissions and the responses received.

Highlighting the importance of applying a gender dimension in the context of child victims of sexual exploitation, perpetrators and child protection systems and services, the Report emphasizes the need for a human rights-based approach towards all children across the gender spectrum.

The report included several recommendations for States and other stakeholders to consider.

To access the report and recommendations, view the report page