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Human Rights Education and Training

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Human Rights Education and Training

(Adopted by the Committee of Ministers, 6 November 1981)

The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 15.b of the Statute of the Council of Europe,


Convinced that adult education is a fundamental factor of equality of educational opportunity and of cultural democracy, and therefore of particular importance for ensuring the promotion of equal status for women and men;

Underlining that adult education is also a powerful factor in the protection of democracy and the rights of individuals and disadvantaged groups to the extent that it can enable people to make critical judgments and act consciously on the increasing flood of information,

Recommends the governments of member states:

a. to take account, in the implementation of their policies for adult education, of the factors set out in the appendix or to draw them to the attention of the competent bodies concerned so that they can be considered and, where appropriate, taken into account;


Appendix to Recommendation No. R (81) 17


A. While respecting the variation, as between member states, of structures and of social, economic and administrative conditions, particularly their educational systems, it is important, concerning the objectives of adult education policy:


4. To promote, by means of adult education, the development of the active role and critical attitudes of women and men, as parents, producers, consumers, users of the mass media, citizens and members of their community;
