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Human Rights Education and Training

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Human Rights Education and Training

(Approved at the Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting, 27- 30 May 1998)


The Commonwealth Youth Programme (CYP), part of the Commonwealth Secretariat, is an intergovernmental youth and development agency working primarily with member governments’ ministries and Departments of youth.

The Plan of Action for Youth Empowerment is a framework for Commonwealth action in youth affairs; as such it is a foundational document for the CYP and its ministerial network. However the PAYE also seeks to stimulate and guide action by other development partners: from intergovernmental agencies, to NGOs, to organisations formed of young women and men themselves.


The PAYE 2007-2015:
Government Action Points and Indicators

Strengthen Ministries, Departments and legal frameworks for Youth Affairs


3.7 Promote young people’s awareness of international human rights agreements, including the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Promote the participation of young people in decision-making


4.1 Establish achievable targets for young men and women to participate in political leadership at various levels of government, from community level through to national parliaments. This will be supported by citizenship education and consultation programmes.


Take action for equality between young women and men, and for youth in special circumstances


6.4 Provide training for young people in gender sensitisation and awareness raising.


Promote peaceful and democratic environments in which human rights flourish


7.1 Provide training for young people in good governance, human rights and democratic practice.


7.3 Ensure that young people are fully informed of their human rights and are able to exercise their rights freely.


PAYE 7 Indicators:

  • Human Rights education is part of school curricula and part of all youth development training in all Commonwealth countries by 2015.
  • Numbers of young people involved in governance, democracy and human rights education a) as educators b) as beneficiaries.


Provide quality education for all


8.2 Review educational curricula to include components of enterprise, life skills, conflict resolution, culture, human rights and the environment, as appropriate.


Promote health, development and values through sports and culture


10.2 Integrate drama and sporta education with other programmes for basic and/or informal education on environmental awareness; health and well-being (including diet and nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, substance abuse); and human rights.
