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Press releases Special Procedures


13 June 2002

12 June 2002

Hina Jilani, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Human Rights Defenders, issued the following statement today:

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Human Rights Defenders, Hina Jilani, concluded on 1 June 2002 a six-day official visit to Guatemala at the invitation of the Government. The purpose of the visit was to assess the situation of human rights defenders, and specifically to examine the legal framework as well as alleged incidents relating to the defence of human rights in the country.

The Special Representative visited Guatemala city and San Marcos and met, among other Guatemalan officials, with the President of the Republic of Guatemala, the Vice-President, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Interior as well as the Minister of Labour, the Minister for Culture and Sport, the President of COPREDEH (Presidential Commission for the Coordination of Human Rights Policy), the President of Congress, the President of the Supreme Court, the General Prosecutor and the Ombudsman. Ms. Jilani also met with high officials of the army and the police.

During her visit, Ms. Jilani met with a wide-range of human rights NGOs and a great variety of sectors representing human rights defenders, in particular peasants, indigenous people, journalists, trade-unionists, social workers and church leaders.

Ms. Jilani ended her mission with a press conference held in Guatemala city on 31 May 2002, in which she gave her first impressions based on the facts and information gathered during the visit. Her final conclusions and recommendations will be contained in a report on the visit to Guatemala, which will be submitted to the next session of the Commission on Human Rights in Geneva (April 2003).

The Special Representative expressed concern, on the basis of information she has received, regarding the following issues:

the existence of a climate of fear in which human rights defenders are working, which is due to the violations they are subjected to, such as threats, intimidations, disappearance and even killings. Some sectors of the society are particularly targeted: those who are seeking truth on past violations (human rights NGOs, forensic experts, judges, lawyers, witnesses); those who are fighting for economic and social rights – particularly land rights; those who are denouncing corruption; and indigenous people. The perpetrators of these attacks are reportedly illegal clandestine groups. Allegedly, some of them have links with State institutions, in particular the police and the army,

the lack of respect of human rights defenders which are subject to public attacks by public officials;

the lack of proper implementation of the peace accords, in particular the Global Accord on Human Rights. This goes together with the persistance of impunity and an increased militarization.

the erosion of the institutions and deterioration of the global human rights situation;

the lack of commitment of the Congress in offering guarantees for protection of human rights defenders.

The Special Representative recognized that concrete measures have been taken by the Guatemalan authorities by establishing committees and institutions dealing with human rights issues. Ms. Jilani referred in particular to the newly established special prosecutor on attacks against human rights defenders. She also recognized the important role of the ombudsman’s office. However, the Special Representative considered these measures to be insufficient mainly because they suffer from lack of coordination and of political and financial support.

The Special Representative urged the Government to implement the peace accords and particularly its human rights component. Furthermore, Ms. Jilani urged the Government to put an end to impunity for past and current violations and to conduct a thorough and independent investigation into the allegations of violations against human rights defenders and on the alleged existence of clandestine groups.

The Special Representative is deeply concerned about information received according to which death threats were sent by fax on 7 June 2002 to representatives of human rights organizations, who met with her during the visit. The fax, which was signed by “”Guatemaltecos de Verdad” (True Guatemalans), was sent to the following 11 human rights defenders: Clara Arenas, Miguel Angel Albizurez, Miguel Angel Sandoval, Nery Rodenas, Frank LaRue, Mario Polanco, Abner Guoz, Marielos Monzón, Ronaldo Robles, Rosa María Bolaños and Helen Mack. The text reportedly accused them of being “enemigos de la patria” (enemies of the State), threatened them with death and insulted them violently. The defenders were told they were only the first of a longer list. In an urgent appeal sent on 11 June 2002 to the Government of Guatemala, the Special Representative together with the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions of the UN’s Commission on Human Rights expressed deep concern for the security and the physical and moral integrity of the human rights defenders mentioned above. They referred to resolution 1994/70 of the Commission on Human Rights, which inter alia, urges governments to refrain from all acts of intimidation or reprisal against private individuals or groups who seek to cooperate, or have cooperated, with the United Nations or representatives of its human rights bodies. Finally, both experts urged the Government to take appropriate measures to investigate thoroughly these death threats and to guarantee the right to life and physical integrity of the abovementioned persons.

In view of the evidence brought to her during the visit, the Special Representative considers these further threats as very serious and requests therefore the urgent attention of the Government.

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