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Special Rapporteur on human rights in Burundi appeals for cessation of hostilities and protection of civilians

25 October 2000

The Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Burundi, Marie-Thérèse Kéita Bocoum, has appealed to all the parties in the conflict in Burundi to protect the civilian population, especially women and children. She strongly condemned the attacks on human rights carried out by the belligerent parties, including massacres of civilians, assassinations, arrests and arbitrary detentions.

Mrs. Kéita Bocoum recalled that on 28 August 2000, the Government of Burundi, the National Assembly, and the unarmed opposition had signed a peace agreement after mediation from former South African President Nelson Mandela and international efforts. She paid tribute to Mr. Mandela and his team for their unflagging efforts.

The Special Rapporteur noted that the peace agreement would have no effect on the ground without a cessation of hostilities. She urged the armed groups to lay down their arms, stop the attacks, and join the negotiating table. Conscious of the importance of the peace agreement, the Special Rapporteur encouraged Burundians to pursue negotiations for a durable peace and harmony in the country.

The Special Rapporteur called on the Government of Burundi to step up its fight against impunity and to bring to trial all persons found guilty of grave violations of human rights.

Mrs. Kéita Bocoum reaffirmed that negotiations were the only way to end the conflict. She appealed to all the parties to end the suffering of the people of Burundi and to allow them to find peace and to concentrate their activities on development.

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