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Press releases Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights


14 August 2002

14 August 2002

High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson today reiterated her concern about the critical human rights and humanitarian situation in Colombia.
The High Commissioner said the situation had worsened as a result of terrorist acts committed since the inauguration of President Alvaro Uribe on 7 August 2002. Mrs. Robinson said she took note of the "State of Domestic Commotion" declared by the Colombian Government on 11 August and that she recognized as legitimate the measures available to States to defend themselves against grave threats to the life of their nations, as established in article 4 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights.
Mrs. Robinson recalled that the measures adopted by Governments in the exercise of exceptional powers have to be consistent with commitments derived from international human rights laws. These laws regulate the limits of public powers when they place restrictions on human rights and fundamental freedoms. Any such restrictions must be submitted to the control of the judiciary.
The field office in Colombia of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights will continue fulfilling its mandate of monitoring and providing advice regarding the adoption and implementation of exceptional measures.

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