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06 June 2000

6 June 2000


Geneva, Switzerland, 26-30 June

The Special Session of the General Assembly entitled AWorld Summit for social development and beyond: achieving social development for all in a globalizing world@ will be held at the United Nations Office at Geneva, Palais des Nations, from 26 to 30 June 2000. The buildings will be closed to the public during this period and access will be restricted to those persons who are accredited and wearing United Nations grounds passes.

The Media Accreditation Centre will be in the accreditation tent, which will be installed for the Special Session near the Pregny Gate, opposite the Red Cross building, on the Avenue de la Paix. A special gate, the Ariana Gate (between the Ariana Museum and the Pregny Gate) will be created to facilitate access to the accreditation tent for all categories of participants and pedestrians. The pathway leading to this gate will be properly signalled from the Avenue de la Paix.

The Accreditation Centre will be open from 22 to 30 June. The dates and hours of the accreditation unit will be:
Thursday, 22 June, from 07:30 to 18:00 hrs.
Friday, 23 June, to Sunday, 25 June, from 07:00 to 22:00 hrs.
From Monday, 26 June, to Friday, 30 June, from 07:30 to 18:00 hrs.

Those correspondents already possessing a valid United Nations grounds pass (United Nations Headquarters or United Nations Office at Geneva) will not need additional accreditation for the Special Session. All other representatives of the media -- press, radio, television and film -- will need to be accredited for the coverage of the Special Session.

Completed application forms (see annex) should be sent to the UNITED NATIONS INFORMATION SERVICE, Public Relations Section, Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland; Fax: (41 22) 917 00 73 or 917 01 65.

Each member of the press corps accompanying a head of State, head of government or head of delegation must complete an application form for accreditation. This form must be attached to an official letter from the Permanent Mission concerned and should be addressed to the Chief, Public Relations Section, United Nations Information Service, at the above address. The letter must list the names of the media representatives with their functional titles and affiliation (i.e. news media organization).

After arrival in Geneva, all members of the press corps accompanying the head of State, head of government or head of delegation must present themselves to the Accreditation Centre, where they will be issued a United Nations grounds pass upon presentation of a national passport and another valid photo ID.

For security reasons, each member of the press corps will be required to wear both a United Nations grounds pass and a national press ID at all times.

Entry and screening procedures

All media personnel are advised to arrive early to allow sufficient time for screening. Last-minute arrivals may encounter delays because the Avenue de la Paix may be temporarily closed for motorcades.

1.- Access to compound:

For those media members already accredited , access to the compound will be through the following gates and schedules:
ACCESSSCHEDULE AUTHORIZED PERSONS Pregny GateOpen 24/24From 08:00 to 19:00 VVIP, VIP, and delegates onlyAriana Gate: pedestrians corridor and the Tent22 June:
Open from 07:30 to 18:00
23-25 June:
Open from 07:00 to 22:00
26-30 June:
Open from 07:30 to 18:00All pedestrians. Those accredited will have direct access through the pedestrians corridor; those not accredited will enter through the Tent Nations Gate Open from 08:00 to 19:00Accredited pedestrians Chemin de Fer GateOpen from 08:00 to 19:00Accredited pedestrians and authorized vehicles Chemin de l=Imperatrice
GateOpen from 08:00 to 19:00Accredited pedestrians and authorized vehicles
08:00-11:30 / 13:30-16:30 incoming traffic
11:30-13:30/ 16:30-19:00 outgoing trafficLe Bocage GateOpen from 07:00 to 19:00Accredited pedestrians and authorized vehicles

2.- Access to buildings:

- Doors 11,13 and 23 will remain permanently accessible.

- Door 40 (E-Building), the entrance to the Cour du secretariat (the voute) and door 6 will also be accessible during working hours.

3.- Access to the Assembly building:

_ Door 13 : by presenting media badges access will be granted to the common area (lobby Door 13). From there media personnel will have access to the Media Centre (Room XVI) by using elevators 13, 12-A and 12-B.
_ Hall de Pas Perdus, (Geneva Side): access to the elevators 12-A and
12-B by presentation of media badges.
_ Access to 5th floor gallery will be granted to those presenting am-pm tickets only.

Media Centre

The United Nations will establish a Media Centre for the press corps in conference room XVI in the Assembly Hall Building on the fifth floor of Building A of the Palais des Nations. It will provide the following technical services and assistance:

- Television sets carrying live proceedings on closed circuit television in English;

- Audio distribution boxes to record proceedings in the original language, in English and in French;

- Telephone lines (telephone cards required) and electrical outlets (230 volts monophase 50 Hz) to enable journalists to use their lap-top computers with modems;

Documents distribution, including press releases; and

- Distribution of tickets to the press gallery of the Assembly Hall.

An Information Desk in the Media Centre will be staffed from 09:00 to 21:00 hrs between 26 and 30 June to assist journalists with both substantive and organizational questions. The telephone numbers at the Media Centre are: (41-22) 917 6873/6874.

The catering facilities available to the press are the Cafeteria (ground floor, A Building), the Press Bar(ground floor, Door 6); Bar 13-15 (second floor, A Building; access through Doors 13 and 15) and Bar Serpent located in the E building (Door 40).

Audio-Visual Services

Photographs will be on sale for a nominal fee.

Radio production and transmission facilities will be available on the second floor under the Assembly Hall. Radio correspondents may book studio production and transmission facilities and request audio recordings at the Booking Office in room 233 near door 13 on the second floor. Tel: (41-22) 917 1495/4297.

Unequipped work space for television journalists will be available on the eighth floor above the Media Centre. The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) will provide feeds to broadcasters in this area in the original language, in English and in French.

Live television feeds and unilateral services will be available through the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). Work space, editing, stand-up and transmission facilities may be booked through the EBU. Tel: (41-22) 717 2840.

Pool coverage

Owing to logistics and space considerations, nearly all the visual media coverage will be done by selected media pools. These pools are reserved for United Nations Television, Swiss Television as host broadcaster, United Nations photographers and international photo-agencies. In the case of print media, the United Nations Correspondents Association (ACANU) will notify the United Nations Information Service of its representative. These pools will be drawn up by the UN Information Service. UN Information staff will issue pool badges and accompany the visual media. For further information please call (41-22) 917 4606 ; Fax: (41-22) 917 0031.

Visual Coverage in the Assembly Hall

Television crews and photographers may cover selected events on a pool basis from the press gallery in the Assembly Hall. Official photographers and official television crews may cover the statement of their head of State, head of government or head of delegation. This visual coverage will be done on a rotating basis. Because of space limitations, photographers and cameramen may not remain to cover other statements. Visual media will be accompanied by United Nations Information Service staff : Tel. (41-22) 917 4606 Fax: (41-22) 917 0031.

Tickets to Press Gallery in the Assembly Hall

Seats are available for media representatives in the press gallery of the Assembly Hall. Tickets will be distributed in the Media Centre half an hour before each meeting on a first-come first-served basis.

Copies of Statements for the Press

Delegations wishing to make the statement of their head of State, head of government or head of delegation available to the press are requested to provide a minimum of 100 copies to the Media Centre in conference room XVI, located on the fifth floor of the Assembly Hall Building, and 100 copies in Press Room I on the ground floor, near door 6. No copying facilities will be available for these statements.

United Nations Press Release Coverage

The United Nations Information Service will provide press release coverage in English and French of open meetings of the Special Session. Press releases may be obtained from the Documentation Centre on the third floor of C building, rooms C.331 and C.329; on the racks of Press Room I; and in the Media Centre.

Further enquiries concerning the distribution of press releases and other material should be directed to room C. 331. Further queries concerning daily developments, issues, background information on the session, and related assistance should be directed to the Press Section, tel: (41-22) 917 2324; or 917 2311.

Background Material

For press materials, information about negotiations and issues, suggestions for interviews and other related assistance, contact the United Nations Information Service, tel: (41-22)917 2324, or 917 2326; fax: (41-22) 917 0030. During the special session, queries may also be directed to the Information Desk in the Media Centre, tel: (41-22) 917 6873/6874.

Official Website of the Special Session

Information on all aspects of the twenty-fourth Special Session can be found at the following address on the Internet: The site, which will be updated daily during the Special Session, contains news, issues and statements related to the session as well as information on accreditation for representatives of the media and of non-governmental organizations. All official documents of the Preparatory Committee for the Special Session and of the Commission for Social Development are also available on this site.

During the Special Session, this site will provide a live Web-cast of the plenary meetings.

Briefings for Journalists

Daily noon briefings for journalists will be held by the Spokesperson of the President of the General Assembly. All briefings will take place in room III, C building, door 6 of the Palais des Nations.

A pre-session briefing for journalists will be held on Friday 23 June at 2.30, Room III.

Press Conferences and Interviews

Room III has been identified as the venue for press conferences during the Special Session. For reasons of room availability, the press conferences could be organized in other rooms. The location and list of the press conferences will be announced daily by the United Nations Information Service.

Interviews can be arranged in advance by calling the UNIS Director=s Office tel: (41-22) 917 2302/2325. During the Special Session, arrangements may also be made at the Information Desk in the Media Centre by calling (41-22) 917 6873/6874.

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For further information regarding Media Arrangements for the Special Session, please contact Sophie Zaouche, Media Liaison Officer, tel: (41-22)-917 2326, mobile: 079 217 3021.