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Press releases Treaty bodies


14 May 2001

26th session
14 May 2001

Recommends Independent Investigations of all Allegations of Ill-Treatment

The Committee against Torture this afternoon offered its conclusions and recommendations on the report of the Czech Republic, expressing concern about instances of racism and xenophobia in the society, including an increase in racially motivated violence against minority groups, as well as the increase in groups advocating such conduct.

The Committee, while welcoming the measures taken to address the problems faced by Roma, said it remained concerned about continuing incidents of discrimination against Roma, including by local officials, and about continuing reports of violent attacks against Roma and the alleged failure on the part of police and judicial authorities to provide adequate protection, and to investigate and prosecute hate crimes. The lenient treatment of offenders was also of concern.

Among the positive aspects of the report, the Committee welcomed the ongoing efforts by the State party to reform its legal system and revise its legislation, based on universal human values, in order to safeguard fundamental human rights, including the right not to be subjected to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

The Committee recommended, among other things, that the Czech Republic continue its efforts to counter all forms of discrimination against minorities and to implement its long-term policy aimed at the integration of the Roma population through legal as well as practical measures; and to ensure the independence and thoroughness of investigations of all allegations of ill-treatment in general, and in connection with the International Monetary Fund (IMF)/World Bank meeting in September 2000 in particular.

The Committee issued its concluding observations and recommendations in the presence of a representative of the Government of the Czech Republic.

When the Committee reconvenes in public at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, 15 May, it will deliver its conclusions and recommendations on the report of Brazil.

Conclusions and Recommendations on Report of Czech Republic

In its concluding observations and recommendations, the Committee welcomed, as positive aspects, among other things, the ongoing efforts by the State party to reform its legal system and revise its legislation, based on universal human values, in order to safeguard fundamental human rights, including the right not to be subjected to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. It welcomed the adoption of the new Aliens and Asylum Law, and it also welcomed the creation of the post of Government Commissioner for Human Rights and the Council of Human Rights, as well as the institution of Ombudsman; the compensation provided to 208,000 former political prisoners; and the declarations recognizing the competence of the Committee under articles 21 and 22 and the withdrawal of the reservation on article 20.

Among its subjects of concern, the Committee said it was concerned about instances of racism and xenophobia in the society, including an increase in racially motivated violence against minority groups, as well as the increase in groups advocating such conduct. While welcoming the measures taken to address the problems faced by Roma, the Committee remained concerned about continuing incidents of discrimination against Roma, including by local officials; about reports of degrading treatment by the police of members of minority groups; and about continuing reports of violent attacks against Roma and the alleged failure on the part of police and judicial authorities to provide adequate protection, and to investigate and prosecute hate crimes, as well as the lenient treatment of offenders.

The Committee was also concerned about allegations of the excessive use of force by law enforcement officials during and after demonstrations, particularly alleged instances of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of persons arrested and detained as a result of the demonstrations during the International Monetary Fund (IMF)/World Ban meeting in Prague in September 2000; the lack of a mechanism of external control of the work of the police; the lack of adequate guarantees of the rights of persons deprived of liberty to notify a close relative or third party of their choice, to have access to doctors of their choice and to have access to counsel as from the outset of their custody; the lack of legal regulation of external inspections of the prison system; and about inter-prisoner violence and bullying in various institutions, including prisons, the military and educational institutions, as well as the presence of male guards in prisons for women where it might lead to an abuse of their authority.,

The Committee recommended, among other things, that the State party continue its efforts to counter all forms of discrimination against minorities and to implement its long-term policy aimed at the integration of the Roma population through legal as well as practical measures, and, in particular, to increase efforts to combat and adequately sanction police ill-treatment of minorities and their failure to provide them with adequate protection; to ensure the independence and thoroughness of investigations of all allegations of ill-treatment in general, and in connection with the IMF/World Bank meeting in September 2000 in particular; to take appropriate measures to ensure the independence of investigations of offences committed by law enforcement officials by introducing a mechanism of external control; that all person deprived of their liberty should be guaranteed the rights to notify a close relative or third party of their choice; and to set up an effective and independent system of control over prisoners complaints and for the external and civil inspection of the prison system.

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