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Press briefing notes Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

OHCHR expresses concerns about Chad detentions

22 February 2008

Detentions in Chad

We are concerned about the reported abduction and detention of several opposition leaders as well as members of civil society organizations in Chad in the wake of the recent fighting in N’Djamena. While appreciating that the government faced a major crisis, with fighting taking place right in the heart of the capital city, it is important that detentions take place in full accordance with standards laid down under international law, and that the fundamental rights of detainees are maintained. We remain concerned about reports of killings of large numbers of civilians during the fighting and call upon the Government of Chad to fully investigate these allegations and hold those responsible to account.

OHCHR is also concerned by the scope of the 15 February Presidential Decree that declared a nation-wide state of emergency and authorized house searches and controls on the private and public press, as well as limiting movement of people and vehicles and banning most meetings.

We call on the Government of Chad to respect fundamental human rights and freedoms during the period of the state of emergency, which we hope will be as brief as possible.
