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Member States agreed to review the progress made at the local, national, regional and global levels in implementing the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) at an International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) through a State-led approach and with the participation of all relevant stakeholders at the United Nations General Assembly. The IMRF will take place every four years beginning in 2022, with the first IMRF to take place at the United Nations headquarters in New York on 17-20 May 2022.

Each edition of the International Migration Review Forum will result in an intergovernmentally agreed Progress Declaration.

For further information about the IMRF, please visit the dedicated website at:

Ahead of the IMRF, the UN Network on Migration has launched a pledging initiative calling on all States and stakeholder partners to make concrete pledges within the framework of the GCM, to demonstrate collective commitment towards effective and human rights-based implementation. As the leading UN agency on the human rights of migrants, UN Human Rights has made pledges with specific commitments to advance the GCM’s promise of a human rights-based and people-centered approach to migration governance, that will positively impact the lives of migrants and their communities.  UN Human Rights pledges can be matched through contributions of financial, technical, or material support.

To encourage better understanding of human rights-based approaches to migration governance and to facilitate dialogue and the sharing of existing promising practices to this end, OHCHR is organizing a side event on the margins of the IMRF on upholding the human rights guiding principle in the GCM. This side event seeks to highlight examples of how States and stakeholder partners are implementing laws, policies and practices that fulfil the vision and objectives of the GCM by prioritizing human rights protection, and by providing a platform for the exchange of promising actions to reduce migrants’ vulnerability to human rights violations and to provide protection to migrants in vulnerable situations.

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