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18 Commitments on “Faith for Rights”


27 June 2018

Linked to the Beirut Declaration are 18 commitments on “Faith for Rights”, with corresponding follow-up actions. These include the commitments:

  • to prevent the use of the notion of “State religion” to discriminate against any individual or group;
  • to revisit religious interpretations that appear to perpetuate gender inequality and harmful stereotypes or even condone gender-based violence;
  • to stand up for the rights of all persons belonging to minorities;
  • to publicly denounce all instances of advocacy of hatred that incites to violence, discrimination or hostility;
  • to monitor interpretations, determinations or other religious views that manifestly conflict with universal human rights norms and standards;
  • to refrain from oppressing critical voices and to urge States to repeal any existing anti-blasphemy or anti-apostasy laws;
  • to refine the curriculums, teaching materials and textbooks; and
  • to engage with children and youth who are either victims of or vulnerable to incitement to violence in the name of religion.