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Thematic reports

A/74/190: Report on albinism worldwide


18 July 2019

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Persons with albinism


The present report is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 37/5 concerning the mandate of the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism. It provides an overview of the situation of persons with albinism in different regions worldwide, summarizing legislation and policies and identifying gaps in the enjoyment of human rights, as well as best practices. In the report, the Independent Expert makes recommendations on concrete measures that can be implemented to integrate, recognize and enhance the human rights situations of persons with albinism globally. The recommendations are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and the pledge to leave no one behind, beginning first with the furthest behind.

Issued By:

Independent Expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism

Delivered To:

the GA at its 74th session, September 2019