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Report on albinism worldwide

Issued by

Independent Expert on the rights of persons with albinism


Issued by Special Procedures


Persons with albinism

Symbol Number



The report was submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 37/5 concerning the mandate of the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism. It provides an overview of the situation of persons with albinism in different regions worldwide, summarizing legislation and policies and identifying gaps in the enjoyment of human rights, as well as best practices. The present report is based largely on the compilation of the information received from 97 stakeholders, as well as research and findings from the country visits of the Independent Expert.

In the report, the Independent Expert makes recommendations on concrete measures that can be implemented to integrate, recognize and enhance the human rights situations of persons with albinism globally. The recommendations are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and the pledge to leave no one behind, beginning first with the furthest behind.


Inputs Received
Inputs Received

The following States and institutions provided responses to the questionnaire for the report on Albinism Worldwide:


  • Bolivia 
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador 
  • Guatemala 
  • Kenya 
  • Slovenia

National Human Rights Institution

  • Azerbaijan – Ombudsman
  • Kenya National Commission on Human Rights 
  • Nigeria National Human Rights Commission 

The following individuals and civil society organizations provided responses to the questionnaire for the report on Albinism Worldwide and provided consent to having their names and submissions published: 


  • Angola – Movimento Pro Albino Em Angola
  • Cameroon – Association Nationale de Promotion et de Protection des Droits de l'homme
  • Côte d'Ivoire – Association Nationale des Albinos de Côte d'Ivoire 
  • Eswatini – Minerva SOC Coop
  • Ghana – Engage Now Africa
  • Ghana – Patricia Lund and Mark Roberts
  • Malawi – Malawi Council for the Handicapped
  • Mali – Coalition des Organisations de Personnes atteinte d'Albinisme (CORPA)
  • Namibia – Patricia Lund and Mark Roberts 
  • Nigeria – The Albino Foundation 
  • Sierra Leone – Patricia Lund and Mark Roberts 
  • Sierra Leone – Sierra Leone Albinism Foundation 
  • South Africa – Professor Jennifer Kromberg
  • Tanzania – Patricia Lund and Mark Roberts
  • Tanzania – Dr. Simeon Mesaki 
  • Uganda – Patricia Lund
  • Uganda – Source of the Nile Union of Persons with Albinism 
  • Zambia – Deafblind Association of Zambia 
  • Zimbabwe – Patricia Lund and Mark Roberts 


  • Japan – Japanese Albinism Network


  • Germany – NOAH 
  • Germany – CBM International 
  • Netherlands – Albinisme Oogvereniging
  • Norway – NFFA

Middle East

  • Jordan – Association of White Albino Family Charity 

North America, Latin America and Caribbean 

  • Argentina – Fundacion Nacional de Albinismo "Simplemente Amigos"
  • Argentina – Albinismo Argentina – Albinos Patagonia – Amigos Albinos de Córdoba 
  • Haiti – Fondation ALBHA 


  • Australia – Albinism Fellowship
  • New Zealand – Albinism New Zealand