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Draft Guidelines for periodic reporting to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


20 April 2016

During its fifteenth session the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the Committee) adopted the following draft guidelines for periodic reporting to the Committee, including under the Simplified Reporting Procedure. The new guidelines would serve as the reference document for all States parties as of 2017. They aim to enhance the current guidelines on CRPD reporting (adopted in 2009, see CRPD/C/2/3) to improve the quality of information presented to the Committee by States parties.

The present document should not be understood as an exhaustive list of information to be requested from each State party; rather it is meant to be a pool of adopted indicators for the Committee to select referring to the situation of each State party. During the preparation process for these guidelines the Committee reviewed its jurisprudence and recent developments in its work, as well as human rights indicators developed, in particular by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and other United Nations agencies, funds and programmes and, national human rights institutions, civil society organizations, and academia. They are human rights indicators “to the extent that they relate to human rights standards and principles and could be used for human rights assessments”. Following OHCHR’s indicator framework, the same categories of indicators have been used, namely Structural, indicated by the letter S before the indicator, Process (indicated by the letter P before the indicator), and Outcome (indicated by the letter O).

Also during its fifteenth session, the Committee decided to engage with external stakeholders in an open consultation process on the draft guidelines. All interested parties were invited to provide comments before the deadline 22 June 2016.