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Status of Women's Rights in Refugee and Internal Displacement Settings in Africa: the context of AGA and APSA


01 December 2020



Commissioned by the AU, OHCHR, UNHCR and UN Women, this continental study provides a contextual analysis of the forced displacement of women and girls in Africa, maps out relevant legal and policy frameworks, and makes policy recommendations to the AU, Member States and relevant stakeholders to fast-track the implementation of women’s rights within the context of AGA and APSA.

Such analysis provides a crucial underpinning element in any durable solution for refugees, IDPs and returnees in Africa. The study benefited from field visits to three key countries with sizeable and diverse populations of forcibly displaced persons, namely Central African Republic, Ethiopia, and Nigeria. As part of this study, gender mainstreaming guidelines were developed to support and promote the integration of not only gender considerations within AGA and APSA but also to help both architectures become more reflective of the importance of the participation of displaced women and girls (IDPs and refugees) in decision-making, policy development, planning, programming, implementation and monitoring (see Annex).

The infographic aims to give an overview of the main key findings and recommendations put forward in the study on the Status of Women's Rights in Refugee and Internal Displacement Settings in Africa in the context of the African Governance Architecture (AGA) and the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA).


African Union, OHCHR, UNHCR and UN Women