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Thematic reports

A/HRC/47/38: Women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health rights in crisis Report of the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls


28 April 2021

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In the present report, the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls calls for a radical shift in how situations of crisis are identified and addressed, by drawing attention to the non-enjoyment by women and girls of their basic sexual and reproductive health rights as a significant impediment to gender equality, resulting from the persistent failure of States to adequately respect, protect and fulfil those rights.

The Working Group examines a number of threats and risks posed to the sexual and reproductive health and autonomy of women and girls, before and during crisis-related events, which are underpinned and exacerbated by various forms of systemic disadvantages and discrimination. It notes promising practices and makes recommendations to address crucial gaps, which will require a radical shift in how crises are managed and addressed from the perspective of women and girls in accordance with their human rights.


The Working Group recommends targeted and interrelated sets of actions which can ensure progress towards securing the sexual and reproductive health rights of women and girls at all times, especially in situations of crisis. These actions include:

  • Prioritizing sexual and reproductive health rights by recognizing the sexual and reproductive health rights of women and girls as essential and fully integrate them into crisis prevention, response, assessment, management, recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction plans;
  • Eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices by ensuring access to a full range of contraceptive information and services for women and girls, including emergency contraceptives, and increase their availability in situation of crisis;
  • Institutionalizing and strengthening monitoring and accountability for sexual and reproductive health rights
  • Ensuring the participation of women and girls and promoting male accountability by increasing the representation and effective participation of women and girls in decision-making processes at all levels and ensuring gender parity, including in crisis prevention, management, and recovery processes;
  • Actively pushing back against conservative religious and racialized political ideologies that undermine gender equality

Access to the interactive version of the report, “Women’s and girls' sexual and reproductive health rights in crisis” (English)

Issued By:

Working Group on discrimination against women and girls

Delivered To:

the Human Rights Council at its 47th session