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Report on youth and human rights

Issued by



28 June 2018


Issued by Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights



Symbol Number



The Human Rights Council, in its resolution 35/14 on youth and human rights, requested the High Commissioner for Human Rights to conduct a detailed study in consultation with States and relevant stakeholders focusing on:

  • The implementation of human rights with regard to young people
  • The identification of cases of discrimination against young people in the exercise of their human rights, and
  • Best practices in the full and effective enjoyment of human rights by young people, highlighting the contribution of empowered youth to the realization of human rights in society.


The report provides an overview of the normative and institutional human rights framework applicable to young people, which includes:

  • Regional and international norms
  • Political commitments
  • The UN architecture on youth

Furthermore, the report describes the challenges and discrimination encountered by youth in gaining access to their rights, including:

  • Participation in politics and public decision-making
  • Transitioning from education to decent work
  • Access to healthcare services, in particular sexual and reproductive health and rights
  • Conscientious objection to military service
  • Transitioning to autonomy in vulnerable situations: young migrants, including asylum seekers and refugees; young people in conflict with the law; youth with disabilities

Additionally, the report summarizes initiatives to empower young people in the exercise of their rights at global, regional as well as national level.

The report concludes that Member States should take all measures necessary to ensure that young people can enjoy their rights without discrimination, and work in cooperation with youth organizations and youth-led structures towards that end. In this context the report recommends to the Human Rights Council that it consider what measures would most effectively advance the rights of young people at international level, putting forward several options.

Inputs Received
Inputs Received

OHCHR received 95 contributions from States, national human rights institutions, civil society and youth organizations. These are available below.

Members States

UN Agencies

Intergovernmental organizations

National Human Rights Commissions

Civil Society

Individual contributions

Regional consultation

  • Europe