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call for input | Special Procedures

Call for inputs: Official country visit to Tunisia by the Working Group on Business and Human Rights

Issued by

Working Group on Business and Human Rights


15 January 2024

Purpose: To ensure that the Working Group's visit and final report address the most pressing business and human rights issues.

The Working Group on Business and Human Rights (the Working Group) is seeking information in preparation for its next country visit to Tunisia, which will take place from February 26 to 8 March, 2024.

The Working Group was established by the United Nations Human Rights Council in June 2011 through Resolution 17/4 and is mandated to promote, disseminate and implement the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (the Guiding Principles). The Working Group is also tasked with sharing and promoting good practices and lessons learned from the implementation of the Guiding Principles, as well as conducting assessments and making recommendations in relation to them.

Purpose of visit to Tunisia

During its visit to Tunisia, the Working Group will examine business and human rights issues on the ground and identify current initiatives, practices, challenges and opportunities in the country to implement the Guiding Principles and promote responsible business conduct.

The Working Group will meet with State institutions, and other stakeholders, including businesses, communities and individuals impacted by business operations and activities, civil society organizations, development partners, trade unions and academics.

On the last day of the visit, the Working Group will present its preliminary conclusions at a press conference (access restricted to the media), highlighting the main areas of concern that emerged from the visit. At the end of the visit, it will prepare a report containing its final observations and recommendations to the Tunisian government and other stakeholders, to be presented at the 36th session of the UN Human Rights Council in June 2024.

Key questions and types of input/comments sought

The Working Group welcomes any information that relates to its mandate and in particular:

  • Analytical reports or recent surveys concerning Tunisia that could be of interest to the Working Group's mandate and country visit.
  • Information on relevant policies, programs and legal frameworks.
  • Priority issues, trends and developments requiring the Working Group's attention.
  • Suggestions for places to visit outside the capital: which regions should the Working Group visit and why?
  • Examples of good practice on business and human rights in Tunisia.
  • Recommendations of key ministries, public institutions, businesses, business associations, civil society organizations and others with whom the Working group should meet, together with their contact details.
How inputs will be used?

Please note that the responses to the questionnaire will not be made public.

Next Steps

Responses must be submitted in English or French by 15 January 2024 to the following e-mail addresses:

Email address:; and

Email subject line:
Visit to Tunisia

Word/Page limit:
No limit

Accepted file formats:
Word, PDF

Accepted Languages:
English, French