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call for input | Special Procedures

Call for written inputs of the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Human Rights Social development challenges faced by persons with albinism, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Issued by

Independent Expert on the rights of persons with albinism


30 November 2021

Pursuant to the General Assembly resolution 74/123, the the Secretary-General will present to the General Assembly its report on the various social development challenges faced by persons with albinism, taking into consideration the specific needs of women and children, including those related to social inclusion, health, education and employment, and measures taken, with recommendations for further action to be taken by Member States and other relevant stakeholders to address identified challenges.

All interested individuals and organizations including persons with albinism, representatives of civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations, experts and academics are invited to provide information on the social development challenges faced by persons with albinism, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, by completing the attached questionnaire. Responses should be concise (between 500 - 1500 words). Supporting documents can be attached.

Such information, and any queries, should be sent electronically to the Anti- Racial Discrimination Section of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at:, no later than 30 November 2021.

Questionnaire on social development challenges faced by persons with albinism, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic:

Responses should be concise. Supporting documents can be attached.

  1. General
    1. How many persons with albinism live in your country according to the most recent national statistics? Please provide numbers or estimates and the source of information?
    2. How many of those people are women? How many are children, as defined in your country?
    3. Please describe the overall social and economic status of people with albinism in your country?
    4. Are there any public or private institutions in your country responsible for persons with albinism? If yes, please list the most important institutions.
  2. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the situation of persons with albinism
    1. What has been the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the situation of persons with albinism in terms of:
      1. participation in political, social, civic and cultural life?
      2. access to the right to health?
      3. access to the right to quality education?
      4. access to the right to employment and the right to work?
  3. National legal and policy framework
    1. Are there any national legal or policy frameworks concerning the issues of persons with albinism? If yes, please provide details and source of the relevant laws and policies? Also, please describe if and how these laws and policies take a non-discriminatory approach towards persons with albinism?
    2. Is albinism counted as a disability in your country? If yes, please provide details about specific provisions and key laws or policies on this issue.
  4. Activities to address the socio-economic concerns of persons with albinism
    • Participation in political, social, civic and cultural life
      1. How would you describe the situation of persons with albinism in terms of participation in political, social, civic and cultural life? Please provide statistics and data if available. Are there any obstacles for persons with albinism to participate in political, social, civic and cultural life, and if yes, what are the major obstacles?
      2. Are there any applicable laws or policies concerning the participation of persons with albinism in political, social, civic and cultural life? If yes, please provide details and source of the major laws and policies.
    • Health
      1. How would you describe the health situation of persons with albinism? Are dermatology and ophthalmology services readily available to them? Is there information made available to them about health risks linked with albinism? If so, how is this information disseminated and communicated?
    • Education
      1. What is the educational situation of persons with albinism? Please provide statistics or other information regarding school enrolment/attendance/completion of persons with albinism of schooling age? Are there any obstacles for children with albinism to access education, and if yes, what are the major obstacles?
      2. Given the low vision issues present in most persons with albinism, does the school system in your country recognize such special needs and provide the required support and reasonable accommodation, for e.g. large print material, low vision and assistive devices?
    • Employment
      1. What is the employment situation of persons with albinism? Please provide statistics or other information concerning employment and unemployment rate of persons with albinism, if applicable?
      2. What obstacles exist for persons with albinism in seeking paid employment in the open labour market?
      3. Are there any applicable laws or policies concerning the employment of persons with albinism? If yes, please provide details and source of the major laws and policies.
      4. Are there special measures in place to promote and integrate persons with albinism in employment and in the labour market?
    • Justice
      1. What obstacles exist for persons with albinism in having access to justice?
      2. Are there any applicable laws, policies are other measures to ensure that persons with albinism have access to justice? If yes, please provide details and source of the laws and policies.
    • COVID-19 pandemic
      1. Are they any measures in place to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on persons with albinism, in particular regarding the participation in political, social, civic and cultural life; health; education and employment?
  5. Recommendations
    1. Please provide specific recommendations for further action to be taken by your Government and other stakeholders to address challenges to the full and equal participation of person with albinism in society and development?
  6. Further remarks
    1. Would you have any further comments on the social situation of people with albinism in your country?