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Two-page briefer on the human rights of youth (2019)

OHCHR co-organized the event “Mobilizing the global youth movement #ForYouthRights” with the European Youth Forum and the International Coordination Meeting of Youth Organizations (ICMYO). The meeting focused on building the capacity of youth organizations to engage in regional and international human rights mechanisms, as well as to increase their involvement in human rights discussions and processes at UN level. Event report (2019).

OHCHR organised an expert meeting to analyse the human rights framework applicable to young people, and to formulate possible ways forward for the human rights of youth at an international level. Executive summary and outcomes (2013)

COVID-19 and youth

From 21 April to 21 May 2020, OHCHR, ILO and a number of its Decent Jobs for Youth partners conducted a global survey on youth and COVID-19. The survey received over 12.000 responses from 112 countries. Resources including the survey report and key findings are available in English, French and Spanish: Youth and COVID-19: Impacts on jobs, education, rights and mental well-being (2020).

Statement on youth and Covid-19 (2020)

Human Rights Council

Youth has been the thematic focus of a number of events of the Human Rights Council, including:
