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UN Interagency Network on Human Rights, LNOB and Sustainable Development

A woman smiling while holding an infant

Purpose of the Network

The UN Interagency Network on Human Rights, LNOB and Sustainable Development brings together more than 18 UN entities working to strengthen human rights mainstreaming in development programming, including towards equality, non-discrimination, and strategic human rights results across the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  

The Network is in charge of implementing the workstream on rights at the core of sustainable development under the Secretary General’s Call to Action while working in synergy with other UN networks and task teams. The Network’s core mission is to advocate for a stronger human rights agenda within the UN development system while being a platform for regular information-sharing, agreeing on common positions and taking actions for policy coherence among UN entities. It is co-led by OHCHR and one UN entity on a rotating basis (currently ILO). The Network is open to all UN entities working on sustainable development.

The Network aims to strengthen the focus on human rights in the UN development system and promote UN policy coherence on human right and LNOB in sustainable development. It also works to strengthen the integration of human rights in high-level UN processes on sustainable development; promote policy coherence in UN system key events, processes, and coalitions; as well as to strengthen integration of human rights and LNOB in sustainable development in the work of the UN at the country level.

To contact the Network: Therese Bjork, OHCHR or Katerina Tsotroudi, ILO

Key documents

Call to Action for Human Rights

Terms of Reference UN Interagency Network on human rights, LNOB and Sustainable Development

UN Inter-agency Review of New Generation Common Country Analyses and UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks

United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework Guidance

Human Rights and Voluntary National Reviews Operational Common Approach Guidance Note (English | Français | Español)


Photo credit: Mohamad Al-Arief/The World Bank