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Ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child on 6 December 1991


  1. Finalise the drafting of the Children’s Code Bill, which is aimed at harmonising all pieces of legislation affecting the wellbeing of children and ensures domestication of international treaties, conventions and standards, which Zambia has ratified.
  2. Strengthen efforts aimed at creating awareness among traditional, civil and faith leaders and parliamentarians on the drivers of Violence Against Children (VAC), prevention of VAC, the laws and policies protecting children in Zambia and advocate for stronger enforcements of these laws and policies.
  3. Continue engaging with traditional and faith leaders and build their knowledge and understanding on the root causes of VAC and the effects of child marriage and initiation ceremonies on children; particularly girls.
  4. Strengthen the implementation of programmes targeting children and adolescents and young people (in and out of school) on comprehensive sexuality education and promoting gender equality.
  5. Continue engaging traditional counsellors to revise the curriculum on initiation rites for girls and boys and to include information on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights.
  6. Increase awareness among children and adolescents, parents/caregivers, church and traditional leaders, private sector partners and other community members about the available services, such as a Child Helpline.
  7. Strengthen and initiate children and youth clubs in and out of school, which aim at promoting child rights, child participation, non-violent behaviours, prevention and response to VAC.

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