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This official document outlines the general rules governing how the Committee works, covering topics such as sessions, agendas, members, working languages, reporting, communications and more.

View document CMW/C/2

General rules

I. Sessions

1. Meetings of the Committee

2. Regular sessions

3. Place of sessions

4. Notification of the opening date of sessions

II. Agenda

5. Provisional agenda for sessions

6. Adoption of the agenda

7. Revision of the agenda

8. Transmission of the provisional agenda and basic documents

III. Members of the Committee

9. Beginning of term of office

10. Filling of casual vacancies

11. Solemn declaration

12. Independence and impartiality of members

IV. Officers

13. Election of officers

14. Conduct of elections

15. Term of office of elected officers

16. Functions of the Chair

17. Acting Chair

18. Replacement of officers

V. Secretariat

19. Statements

20. Financial implications of proposals

VI. Languages

21. Official and working languages

VII. Records

22. Records

VIII. Public and private meetings

23. Public and private meetings

IX. Distribution of reports and other official documents of the Committee

24. Distribution of official documents

X. Conduct of business

25. Quorum

26. Powers of the Chair

27. Adoption of decisions

28. Voting

XI. Participation of specialized agencies and other United Nations bodies, intergovernmental organizations and other concerned bodies

29. International Labour Office

30. Submission of information, documentation and written statements by other bodies

XII. Annual report of the Committee

31. Annual report

Part two
Rules relating to the functions of the Committee

XIII. Reports from States parties under article 73 of the Convention

32. Submission of reports

33. Consideration of reports

34. Consideration of the implementation of the Convention in the absence of a report

XIV. Procedure for the consideration of communications received under
article 76 of the Convention

XV. Procedure for the consideration of communications received under
article 77 of the Convention

Part three
Rules relating to interpretation

XVI. Interpretation

35. Headings

36. Amendments