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Ban deplores recent upsurge in anti-Semitic incidents since start of Gaza conflict

05 August 2014

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has deplored the recent upsurge in anti-Semitic attacks, particularly in Europe, in connection with protests concerning the escalation of violence in Gaza.

“The Secretary-General emphasizes that the conflict in the Middle East must not constitute a pretext for prejudice that could affect social peace and harmony anywhere,” said a statement issued late yesterday evening by Mr. Ban's spokesperson in New York.

According to media reports, since the start nearly a month ago of the Gaza conflict, demonstrations against the violence in several European countries and elsewhere have sparked anti-Semitic attacks, hate speech and, in some instances, even violence.

“I firmly believe that the conflict needs to be solved through an immediate cessation of violence and negotiations,” said the Secretary-General in his statement.

Source: UN News Centre

4 August 2014