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Make a wish for Human Rights

06 December 2011


Electronic music artist Pogo has visualized human rights in a one-of-a-kind Mash Up video (below) featuring people from around the world reflecting on what human rights means to them.

The video underscores this year’s social media campaign, which is all about understanding and participating in a celebration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its 30 guiding principles.

Through everybody can make a wish based on one of the principles and share the wish with friends, family and colleagues.

The Mash Up sets it out: everybody can participate - young and old – no matter where you are from or your background.

The social media campaign from the UN Human Rights office is based on the fundamental principles found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – 30 articles agreed by Member States of the United Nations after the destruction of the Second World War.

The rights set down in the Declaration unite us all through the same ideals and values and because it was signed and came into being on 10 December, 1948, it also gives us all a shared birthday.

The Declaration is a universal document. It can be read in 382 languages, which gives it the Guinness World Record as the most translated document in the world.

6 December 2011

This year, Human Rights Day celebrates the work of human rights defenders and focuses on their efforts to galvanize and inspire support and inspire support for change via social media. The UN Human Rights Office has launched a global social media campaign that will encourage people to commit to taking action for change by becoming human rights defenders. Join us to celebrate human rights!
