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Statements Human Rights Council

Presentation of the report of the President of Human Rights Council submitted in accordance with Council decision OM/7/1

29 January 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I will now present my report pursuant to Council decision OM/7/1 of 29 January 2013, entitled “the non-cooperation of a State under Review with the Universal Periodic Review mechanism” as circulated to all missions yesterday.

“In line with Human Rights Council decision OM/7/1 of 29 January 2013 entitled “The non-cooperation of a State under Review with the Universal Periodic Review mechanism”, I would like to present my final report on all appropriate steps and measures taken by me, in accordance with my mandate, to urge Israel, the State under Review, to resume its cooperation with the Universal Periodic Review mechanism. 

1. As you may recall, on 15 March 2013 at the 22nd session of the Council I presented an oral report. I informed the Council about my letter dated 15 February 2013 to Ambassador Eviatar Manor, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva. Recalling the provisions of the decision of 29 January 2013, I urged Israel in the letter to resume its cooperation with the UPR mechanism. I referred also to GA resolution 60/251 indicating that the UPR is a cooperative mechanism conducted in a manner which ensures universality of coverage and equal treatment with respect to all States. I further underlined that during the first cycle of the UPR all 193 UN member States, including Israel, were successfully reviewed and all States were treated in a fair and equal manner. I pointed out an added value of the UPR as an opportunity for the States under Review to take stock of existing challenges and achievements to contribute further to strengthening observance of the human rights on the ground. 

2. On 1 March 2013 Ambassador Eviatar Manor, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva, conveyed to me a written reply to my letter of 15 February 2013. I was informed that he had duly referred my letter to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their active consideration. He added that he was looking forward to continuing our on-going dialogue on that and other matters.  

3. On 14 May 2013 I sent another letter to Ambassador Eviatar Manor to reiterate strongly my appeal to Israel, the State under Review, to resume its cooperation with the UPR mechanism. I recalled in the letter that in its decision of 29 January 2013 the Council decided to consider at the session when the President’s final report will be considered, but at the latest at its 23rd session, any steps that may be deemed appropriate in light of the provisions of GA resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006 and Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 of 18 June 2007. Furthermore, the Council decided to reschedule the UPR of Israel with a view of conducting it in 2013, at the 17th session of the Working Group of the Universal Periodic Review of October-November 2013 at the latest. 

4. On 3 June 2013 I received a written reply from Ambassador Eviatar Manor to my letter of 14 May 2013. Ambassador Manor informed me in his letter that my letter prompted extensive and high level deliberations and consultations regarding Israel’s overall relationship with the Human Rights Council and its various mechanisms. As a result, he was instructed to write to me to reaffirm his intention to continue our dialogue and to express his wish to cooperate with me and pursue a diplomatic engagement with a view to positively resolve all outstanding issues in Israel’s complex relationship with the Human Rights Council and its mechanisms.

5. In light of these developments, and in line with the Council’s decision OM/7/1 of 29 January 2013, I would encourage Israel, the State under Review, to participate in its review at the 17th session of the Working Group of the UPR of October/November 2013, now scheduled on Tuesday, 29 October 2013. 

Thank you.


For more information, see HRC decision OM/7/1.