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Statements Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Human Rights Day Jet d'eau

Human Rights Day event on Lake Leman

10 December 2016

Statement by the High Commissioner
10 December 2016

Monsieur le Maire, 
Monsieur Collignon,
Colleagues, friends

As we celebrate Human Rights Day, we are here to switch on the famous jet d'eau – the symbol of Geneva, the city which so many humanitarian actors call home. 

As night falls, we will colour it blue, for the United Nations – and for human rights. 

The jet d'eau is a marvellous symbol for the global campaign, “Stand up for someone’s rights today,” which my Office is launching. Because just as every humble drop of water comes together with great force in this powerful jet of water, I believe we can inspire millions of ordinary people to join with an immense force of ideas to create powerful change. 
We don’t have to stand by when hateful messages and violent acts drive hostility between nations, communities and neighbours. 
 We don't have to tolerate grievous human rights violations – deprivation, injustice, inequalities, violence and oppression. 
 We can stand up for the values of decent, compassionate societies – around the world and in our own streets, our own schools and workplaces. 

When people are abused and afraid, we can step forward to help safeguard their rights. When a vulnerable person is bullied, we can step in. Wherever there is discrimination and exploitation, we can speak up and let it be known that we oppose this, and seek to stop it.

Not just in this beautiful city known across the world as the capital of peace. Not only in international institutions. The cause of universal human rights is too important to be left to any one organisation or government. 

All of us have the power to make a real difference in someone’s life – perhaps many lives. 

My Office works to promote and protect human rights around the world.  We work for a world of greater freedoms. More compassion. Stronger respect. A world of justice, equality and dignity.

Join our cause. It starts with each of us. 

Stand up for someone's rights today.

Thank you – and thanks also to the City and Canton of Geneva, and to the SIG.