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Statements Special Procedures

Cambodia / Khmer Rouge verdict - Statement by the UN Special Rapportuer on the Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia, Surya Subedi

Cambodia: landmark conviction

26 July 2010

GENEVA – “I welcome the verdict delivered today by the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, widely known as the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, in the trial of Kaing Guek Eav (alias Duch), who supervised the systematic torture and execution of thousands of prisoners at the S-21 detention centre in Phnom Penh during the Khmer Rouge regime.

Although his prosecution for crimes against humanity and war crimes has come more than three decades after the crimes were committed, the verdict signifies a commitment by the Government of Cambodia to uphold the rule of law and ensure accountability, according to internationally accepted standards of fair trial. It represents a historic milestone in holding those responsible for human rights violations accountable for their actions.

I hope this trial will have a positive impact on the strengthening of the independence of the judiciary. I welcome the conclusion of this first case and encourage all parties to work together in progressing the remaining three cases.

I urge the judges of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts for Cambodia to defend their independence, integrity and uphold the highest standards of justice, and to continue to demonstrate by example to the judiciary and the Cambodian people. I hope that this landmark conviction will serve as a catalyst for the Government to address impunity and accelerate its legal and judicial reforms.”

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