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WCAR Plenary - 5 September 2001 Statement at the Plenary by Mr. Lewis CHANGUFU, Commissioner, Permanent Human Rights Commission of Zambia

05 September 2001

[Audio: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish]
Text/video version may follow when available.

Madame President,

Allow me, like those that have spoken before me to congratulate you on your election as president of this important World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination Xenophobia and Related Intolerance.

Speaking as a National Institution constitutionally mandated to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms at domestic level, I can safely state that the real work begins after Durban. However knowing fully well that Human Rights are a concern for the whole community of nations, Durban offers us that opportunity of marshalling a renewed vision in the fight against racism and related intolerance.

Madame President,
I for one, consider standards put in place to fight Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance by the International community, as being prone to subtle violations and as such, let us be mindful of this fact. As we negotiate a programme of action, member states participating in this World Conference, in addition to putting in place effective mechanisms prevention and redress, are expected to exhibit political will necessary for realizing their measures.
Durban must be a revival to recapture the lost African spirit of tolerance and mutual respect that for centuries has held the African society together. Africa has witnessed what intolerance with its attendant problems can do to a people fighting to unchain themselves from poverty.

Madam President,
Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance are real problems in our midst, let us as members of one community of nations exhibit selfless spirit that transcends selfish national interests in order for us to create a genuine global village.

As a national institution we are resolved to ensure that forms of discrimination in particular, those related to race, are completely eradicated from Zambian soil and ultimately the entire world. My commission stands ready to cooperate with all entities committed to the fight against racism and related intolerance.