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Statements Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Statement by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Demonstrations in Tibet Autonomous Region in China

14 March 2008

14 March 2008

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour today expressed concern about escalating tensions between protestors and security forces in the Tibet Autonomous Region and surrounding areas in China.

It is reported that some 60 monks were arrested on Monday 10 March in Lhasa when they gathered for a peaceful demonstration. On Tuesday 11 March, Chinese police fired tear gas at approximately 600 monks who protested in front of police headquarters in Lhasa to demand the release of the monks arrested on Monday. Today there have been further reports of violence, including deaths and destruction of property.

The High Commissioner urges the Government of China to allow demonstrators to exercise their right to freedom of expression and assembly, to refrain from any excessive use of force while maintaining order, and to ensure those arrested are not ill-treated and are accorded due process in line with international standards.
