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Statements Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

High Commissioner for Human Rights expresses revulsion over attacks in United States

11 September 2001

11 September 2001

The following statement was issued this evening
by Mary Robinson, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

"I wish to express my deep revulsion at the horrific event which have unfolded in the United States today. The callous and barbaric actions of those who perpetrated these crimes are indefensible and could never be justified.

This is a personal tragedy for the citizens of the United States, for numerous individuals from many countries and for the international community-the actions strike at the fundamental human rights of every person and are totally unacceptable.

We must have a period of calm. The best tribute we can pay to those who lost their lives today and to their grieving families and friends, is to ensure that justice, and not revenge, is served.

I offer my sincere condolences to all those who have lost family and friends, to those injured and to the people of the United States".

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