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12 October 2000

12 October 2000

Following is the statement of Secretary-General Kofi Annan issued today by his spokesman in Beirut:

The news of the West Bank violence this morning was chilling. It comes on top of two weeks of tragedy, during which over 100 people were killed and 1,000 wounded -- mostly Palestinians, but also Israelis. We are at risk of seeing a dangerous situation escalate to a crisis that could destabilize an entire region.

I appeal to all -- leaders and citizens alike -- to stop and think about what they are doing today and what kind of tomorrow they want for their children. Violence breeds violence. I urge you to opt for restraint.

Yesterday, I announced the decision by the Israeli and Palestinian leadership to convene an urgent meeting of the trilateral security committee chaired by the United States. The need for such a meeting is now all the more urgent.

I have cut short my visit to Lebanon to return to Israel and to Gaza for consultation with both sides. In the meantime, I want to express my deep sadness at the suffering and loss of so many victims of this chaos, and once again call on all to respect life, renounce violence and return to rational discourse.

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