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Statements Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

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01 December 2000


Statement for World AIDS 2000

This year’s World AIDS Day is a sad reminder that despite progress in treatment the pandemic is still reeking havoc in many parts of the world.

The reasons for this bleak state of affairs are many, but important among them is the negative impact of lack of respect for human rights.

In our work with UNAIDS we have focussed on the link between HIV/AIDS and human rights. The reality of that link was brought home to me during my current visit to countries of Latin America: according to information I received, a third of all gay men in the region carry the HIV/AIDS virus, a scandalously high rate of infection owes much to discrimination.

World AIDS Day 2000 aims to bring attention to the responsibility of men in preventing the spread of the virus. Let it also highlight the responsibility of governments to ensure that all their citizens enjoy the equality of treatment essential to leading healthful lives.

I make a special appeal to governments to re-examine their existing AIDS programmes from a human rights prospective and to have particular regard for the most vulnerable groups
