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03 January 2001

3 January 2001

Statement of the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights
for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Mr. Jiri Dienstbier

I am deeply disturbed by the armed attack on Mr. Srdj Jaksic, which took place in Dubrovnik on 30 December 2000. Mr. Jaksic, a highly-regarded lawyer, was shot and seriously wounded in the yard of his home by unidentified assailants at about seven o'clock in the evening. This violent act was followed by an assault on Mr. Jaksic's wife and daughter on a street in Dubrovnik the following day.

Over the years Mr. Jaksic has worked on numerous cases of great importance for the protection of human rights in Croatia. The motives for the attack against Mr. Jaksic have not yet been clarified. However, I am deeply concerned that they may be connected to his work in defense of human rights.

Initial reports indicate that the police have not acted with due diligence in connection with this matter. I call on the Croatian authorities to investigate thoroughly this shocking act of violence in order to bring those responsible to justice. I also urgently call on the authorities to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of Mr. Jaksic and his family in the aftermath of this terrible incident.