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Statements Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

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16 November 1999

16 November 1999


The following is a statement made today by United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson concerning the situation in Chechnya, Russian Federation:

“I view the situation in Chechnya, Russian Federation with a sense of mounting concern.

I have been closely following the situation in the Northern Caucasus and I am disturbed that serious violations of human rights and of humanitarian law are taking place there. I share the concern of the Russian government in the combat against terrorism, but this should be appropriately directed. I echo the words of the Secretary-General in his statement to the General Assembly this year when he referred to “the principle that massive, systematic violations of human rights -- wherever they might take place -- should not be allowed to stand.” I have called on the Russian Government to take immediate measures to protect the civilian population.

I welcome the understanding reached between the Secretary-General and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Saturday whereby the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees will travel to Russia for discussions on the humanitarian situation in the Northern Caucasus. I have offered to send a Personal Envoy to the region and I await the response of the Russian authorities. I believe that the sending of a Personal Envoy could help in the search for a settlement of the conflict based on respect for human rights and humanitarian law.

I am particularly concerned about the following violations, which have been reported by independent sources and are causing serious suffering and high casualties:

- Indiscriminate and disproportionate use of force is causing high civilian loss of life and injuries;

- Vulnerable populations, including children, the sick and elderly are unable to escape the bombing and insufficient provision for their transport is being provided for them to leave Chechnya;

- Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) monitors have been denied permission to go into the Russian controlled territory of northern Chechnya;

- Medical supplies for Chechen hospitals have been blocked from entering Chechnya;

- The 192,800 internally displaced persons (IDP) from Chechnya have strained the resources of the neighboring Russian republic of Ingushetia. With winter approaching, the IDPs are suffering from lack of sanitation, growing disease, severe shortages of medicine, food, stoves and tents. Doctors report that 80 per cent of the IDP children are suffering from anaemia and malnutrition;

- Freedom of movement within Chechnya is reportedly being restricted, in particular, men are being restricted from escaping bombardment. There is a lack of humanitarian corridors for civilians to leave towns and cities that are being heavily bombarded. People cannot get out of towns such as Ochkoy Martan and mountainous regions such as the Shatoy region, that are being bombarded.

I call on the Russian Government to ensure that the human rights of civilians are protected and, in particular, that:

- The devastating impact of military operations on the civilian population be stopped;

- Humanitarian corridors are open for civilians to escape the fighting safely;

- Safe transportation is provided for those not able to leave by their own means;

- Humanitarian and medical assistance is allowed through to IDPs in the region and to civilians in Chechnya.

In view of the seriousness of the situation, I am copying this statement to the Chairperson of the United Nations Commission for Human Rights and to the Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, with the request that he share it with the President of the Security Council. I am also copying it to the Secretary General and President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and to the Chairman in Office and the Secretary-General of the OSCE.”