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Photo of Mr. Idriss Jazairy

Mr. Idriss Jazairy (Algeria) was the Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures from May 2015 to March 2020.

International administrator, diplomat and NGO leader. Mr. Jazairy, a retired Algerian ambassador and Executive Director of the Geneva Centre for the Advancement of Human Rights and Global Dialogue. He was previously Deputy Foreign Secretary and Presidential adviser in Algeria. Among other high-level positions, he has been President of IFAD, a UN specialized agency and later Chief Executive of ACORD, a consortium of international NGOs devoted to the empowerment of the poor in Africa. At the time, Mr Jazairy was also a member of the Board of CARE/USA. He has chaired the Ad Hoc Committee on Complementary Standards to the CERD and has participated actively in other normative activities of the Human Rights Council. In 2013, Mr. Jazairy chaired the OHCHR Workshop on the impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights convened as per HRC res. 19/32. 

Mr. Jazairy holds a M.A.(Oxford) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and an M.P.A. (Harvard). He also graduated from the Ecole nationale d’Administration (France). He is the author of books and of a large number of articles in the international press on development, human rights and current affairs.