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François Crépeau (Canada) was Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants from 2011 to 2017.

Mr. Crépeau is Full Professor and holds the Hans and Tamar Oppenheimer Chair in Public International Law, at the Faculty of Law of McGill University. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and was a Fellow 2008-2011 of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation.

The focus of his research includes migration control mechanisms, the rights of foreigners, the interface between security and migration, and the interface between the Rule of Law and globalization.

He has given many conferences, published numerous articles, and written or directed five books: Les migrations internationales contemporaines – Une dynamique complexe au cœur de la globalisation (2009), Penser l'international, Perspectives et contributions des sciences sociales (2007), Forced Migration and Global Processes - A View from Forced Migration Studies (2006), Mondialisation des échanges et fonctions de l'État (1997) and Droit d'asile: De l'hospitalité aux contrôles migratoires (1995).

He heads the "Mondialisation et droit international" collection at Éditions Bruylant-Larcier (Brussels), in which 23 books have been published since 1997, and is a member of several editorial committees: International Journal of Refugee LawJournal of Refugee StudiesRefugee Law Reader, Refuge, Droits Fondamentaux.

From 2001 to 2008, he was a professor at the Université de Montréal, holder of the Canada Research Chair in International Migration Law, and founding scientific director of the Centre d’études et de recherches internationales de l’Université de Montréal (CÉRIUM). From 1990 to 2001, he was a professor at the Université du Québec à Montréal.

He has been guest professor at the following institutions : Université catholique de Louvain (2010-2015); Institut international des droits de l’homme (Strasbourg) (2001, 2002, 2007, 2008); Graduate Institute for International Studies (IUHEI-Genève, 2007), Institut des hautes études internationales, Université de Paris II (2002), Université d’Auvergne-Clermont 1 (1997).

Until 2011, he also sat on the Quebec Law Society’s Committee on Human Rights and Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, was the "Justice, police and Security" domain coordinator for the Quebec Metropolis Center and was a member of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. He served as vice-president of the Canadian Human Rights Foundation (now Equitas) (1992-2004) and director of the Revue québécoise de droit international (1996-2004). He participated in observer missions in the occupied Palestinian territories (2002) and in El Salvador (1991). He was also a fellow of the Institute for Research in Public Policies (IRPP).

François Crépeau holds diplomas from McGill University (BCL and LLB, 1982), Bordeaux University (LLM in private law, 1982), Paris II University (DEA in legal sociology, 1985) and Paris I University (DEA in Business Law, 1984; LLD, 1990).