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The Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, Mr. Francois Crépeau, carried out a fact-finding mission to Albania from 5-13 December 2011 at the invitation of the Government.

During the mission, which included visits to Tirana, Durres and Shkoder, the Special Rapporteur met with Government ministers, state officials at central and local levels, members of Parliament, representatives of the judiciary, representatives of relevant agencies of the United Nations country team, international and regional organizations, representatives of civil society, and migrants themselves. He also visited border crossing points with Montenegro (Hani I Hotit) and Greece (Qafe Bota and Kakavija), the reception centre at Tirana International Airport, the national reception centre for asylum-seekers (Barrbu) and the closed reception centre for irregular migrants (Kareç). 

The Special Rapporteur issued preliminary observations and recommendations on the mission in his end of mission statement of 13 December 2011:

The final report with findings, conclusions and recommendations of the Special Rapporteur will be presented at the 20th session of the Human Rights Council in June 2012.

Engaging on the ground

With a view to gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation of the human rights of migrants (Albanian migrants abroad, returning Albanian migrants and foreign migrants in Albania), the Special Rapporteur met with a broad range of interlocutors during his country visit, including migrants themselves.

The Special Rapporteur holds his first
meeting in Tirana with the United Nations
country team

The Special Rapporteur in dialogue with
the Minister of Interior, Mr. Bujar Nishani.

The Special Rapporteur meets with the
National Coordinator for Anti-Trafficking
of Human Beings, Ms. Iva Zajmi.

The Special Rapporteur (left) together
with representatives of the Sportele
Migracioni (centre) in Shkoder and the
two interpreters traveling with the
Special Rapporteur (right).

The Special Rapporteur shares his
preliminary findings at a press conference
at the Rogner Hotel, Tirana, facilitated
by Ms. Nora Kushti, Communication
Specialist, Office of the UN Resident
Coordinator in Albania.

The Special Rapporteur (foreground) at
Kakavija border crossing point.

Visiting the Border and Migration
Police (BMP) at Durres.


Read the press release (English/Albanian) of the Special Rapporteur at: