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In this page, the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions shares all comments provided by the mandate to States on national laws, regulations and policies. The mandate regularly provides comments on the adequacy of normative and policy developments with international standards on the right to life.

See below a list of letters sent by the UN Special Rapporteur and the responses from Government to these communications.


31 October 2023, Mali - MLI 1/2023 - Commentaires et suggestions sur le cadre législatif de la lutte contre le terrorisme dans votre pays, à savoir la loi n° 08-025 du 23 juillet 2008 portant répression du terrorisme au Mali.

16 August 2023,  Zimbabwe - ZWE 1/2023 - Comments on the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Amendment Act (no. 10 of 2023).

22 march 2023, Belarus - BLR 2/2023 - Concerning amendments to the criminal code of Belarus (Law No. 275-Z of 9 July 1999) introducing capital punishment for State officials and military personnel convicted of high treason.


19 December 2022, Guatemala - GTM 7/2022 - En relación con la iniciativa de ley número 6099 denominada "Ley para el fortalecimiento de la paz", que busca establecer la extinción de la responsabilidad penal y la sanción por amnistía absoluta para los responsables de delitos y graves violaciones a los derechos humanos cometidos durante el conflicto armado interno en Guatemala. Government response25 Dec 2022.

1 November 2022, Guatemala - GTM 5/2022 - Respecto a la intención del Congreso de la República de Guatemala de convertir en ley la iniciativa número 6076 titulada “Ley para el fortalecimiento de las fuerzas de seguridad pública y el ejército de Guatemala”. Government response: 4 Sep 2022

12 October 2022, El Salvador - SLV 4/2022 -  Comentarios y sugerencias sobre los decretos legislativos nos. 333, 358, 396, 427, 459, 476 y 503 mediante los cuales el Gobierno de Su Excelencia declaró y ha venido prorrogando el régimen de excepción vigente en el país. Government response: 12 Dec 2022

23 September 2022, Mexico - MEX 11/2022 - Comentarios sobre las reformas legislativas aprobadas recientemente, mediante las cuales se traslada el control operativo y administrativo de la Guardia Nacional a la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (SEDENA), así como sobre la iniciativa de reforma constitucional que pretende extender la participación de las Fuerzas Armadas en tareas de seguridad.

17 August 2022, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - GBR 12/2022 - Information regarding some of the provisions of the draft Bill of Rights that may undermine the enjoyment of human rights in the UK, including, in particular, the rights to fair trial, effective remedy, equality before the courts, equality before the law, and non-discrimination.

12 July 2022, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - GBR 10/2022 - Information received the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill introduced in Parliament on 17th May 2022 which appears to be inconsistent with the United Kingdom’s obligations to investigate the serious human rights violations committed during the “Northern Ireland Troubles”, and to provide access to truth and remedy for victims.  Government response: 22 Aug 2023

23 May 2022, Belarus - BLR 3/2023 - Information received concerning the proposed amendments to the Criminal Code of Belarus (Law No. 275-Z of 9 July 1999) adopted by the two chambers of the Belarusian Parliament on 27 April 2022, and signed into law by the President of Belarus on 13 May 2022, which provide for an extension of the application of the death penalty for “attempted” crimes related to terrorism, including activities that do not fall under the category of “most serious crimes” established by international law for the imposition of capital punishment.


22 November 2021, Malaysia - MYS 7/2021 - Information received regarding Malaysia’s voluntary pledge on the death penalty in the context of your candidacy for the United Nations Human Rights Council for the term 2022-2024.

16 November 2021, Uruguay - URY 2/2021 - Información recibida en relación al Proyecto de Ley sobre la sustitución de penas privativas de libertad por régimen de prisión domiciliaria para procesados y condenados mayores de sesenta y cinco años - y la permanencia a futuro del citado régimen- por razones humanitarias o trato humanitario, superpoblación del sistema penitenciario y su agravamiento ante la emergencia sanitaria causada por la pandemia de COVID-19.


9 October 2020 - Mexico - MEX 9/2020 – Acuerdo por el que se dispone de la Fuerza Armada permanente para llevar a cabo tareas de seguridad pública. Government response: 23 Oct 2020

1 September 2020 – China - CHN 17/2020 - Comments on The Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("National Security Law"). Government response: 30 Oct 2020

22 July 2020 - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - GBR 7/2020 - Comments directed to the Counter Terrorism and Sentencing Bill. Government response: 12 Oct 2020

22 July 2020 – Peru - PER 3/2020 - Comentarios sobre el Decreto Ley No. 25475.

29 June 2020 - Philippines - PHL 4/2020 - Comments on 'The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020' (the Act). Government response:04 Aug 2020, 27 Aug 2020

19 June 2020 - China - CHN 13/2020 - Letter on the proposed changes to the Hong Kong SAR's legal system and enforcement mechanisms proposed in the Draft National Security Law.

08 June 2020 - Uruguay - URY 2/2020 - Preocupación con el proyecto de "Ley de Urgente Consideración" Government response: 16 Jun 2020

26 May 2020 - Switzerland - CHE 1/2020 - Commentaires et suggestions à propos du projet de loi sur les mesures policières de lutte contre le terrorisme. Government response: 02 Jul 2020

06 May 2020 - Kyrgyzstan - KGZ 3/2020 - Comments on the proposed law of the Kyrgyz Republic on Countering Terrorism. Government response: 16 Jun 2020

23 April 2020 - China - CHN 7/2020 - Comments on the United Nations (Anti-Terrorism Measures) Ordinance, Cap. 575 ("Anti-Terrorism Law") and Crimes Ordinance, Cap. 200, Sections 9 and 10 ("Sedition Law"). Government response: 23 Jul 2020 , 23 Jul 2020, 23 Jul 2020 , 23 Jul 2020 , 23 Jul 2020

28 February 2020 - Egypt - EGY 4/2020 - Application of the Anti-Terrorism Law, Protest Law, Association Law, and NGO law. Government response: 08 Apr 2020, 10 Mar 2021


12 December 2019 - Honduras - HND 6/2019 - Moción presentada el 15 de octubre ante el Congreso Nacional de Honduras, y el posible impacto en la labor de las personas defensoras de derechos humanos en el marco del contexto actual de crisis migratoria en Centro y Norteamérica. Government response: 12 Feb 2020

15 July 2019 - Nepal - NPL 2/2019 - Amendment bill to revise the existing act of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Act-2012. Government response: 17 Jan 2020

12 April 2019 - Nepal - NPL 1/2019 - Reports of lack of impartiality, independence and transparency in the existing procedure for the appointment of the members of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and Commission on the Investigation of Enforced Disappearance (CIEDP); the reported lack of progress in the work undertaken by both commissions; and the possible amendment of the Act on the Commission on Investigation of Disappeared Persons, Truth and Reconciliation 2071 (2014). Government response: 07 Jun 2019

1 April 2019 - Brunei Darussalam - BRN 1/2019 - Criminalisation of adultery and consensual same sex relations and the imposition of cruel, inhuman and degrading punishments for such acts, including stoning, whipping and amputation. Government response: 08 Apr 2019

4 February 2019 - Mexico - MEX 1/2019 - Reformas constitucionales aprobadas el 16 de enero por la Cámara de Diputados sobre la Guardia Nacional y otros temas relevantes. Government response: 24 Jan 2020


12 November 2018 - Mexico - MEX 16/2018 - Discusión por el Pleno de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación de las acciones de inconstitucionalidad promovidas contra la Ley de Seguridad Interior.

16 October 2018 - Malaysia - MYS 4/2018 - Abolishment of the death penalty.

30 August 2018 - Sri Lanka - LKA 3/2018 - Possible decision to resume the death penalty in Sri Lanka for drug-related offences.

24 August 2018 - Egypt - EGY 12/2018 - Draft law approved by the House of Representatives of Egypt that would grant amnesties to a designated cadre of high-ranking military officers. Government response: 25 Oct 2018

16 May 2018 - United States of America - USA 8/2018 - Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Directive 11032.3, eliminating a presumption against immigration detention of pregnant women.

14 May 2018 - Mauritania - MRT 1/2018 - Révision de l'article 306 du Code pénal mauritanien.

26 March 2018 - Afghanistan - AFG 2/2018 - Attack on the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan on 20 January 2018 and the attack at the Ministry of Interior administrative compound in Kabul, Afghanistan on 27 January 2018.

23 March 2018 - United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) - OTH 11/2018 - Attack on the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan on 20 January 2018 and the attack at the Ministry of Interior administrative compound in Kabul, Afghanistan on 27 January 2018.

06 February 2018 - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - GBR 2/2018 - The situation of human rights defenders Mr. Elias de Souza, Ms. Vanessa Rosa dos Santos, Mr. Reginaldo Rosa dos Santos, Mr. Lúcio Guerra Júnio, Ms. Partícia Generoso, and Mr. Lúcio da Silva Pimenta. Government response: 30 Apr 2018

3 January 2018 - Tunisia - TUN 2/2017 - Projet de loi N°25/2015 relatif à la répression des atteintes contre les forces armées.


11 December 2017 - Mexico - MEX 10/2017 - Proceso legislativo en curso para la eventual aprobación de una "Ley de Seguridad Interior". Government response:13 Dec 2017, 07 Mar 2018

1 December 2017 - Pakistan - PAK 9/2017 - Possible legislative reform to reduce the number of crimes for which the death penalty can be imposed in Pakistan.

16 October 2017 - Mexico - MEX 5/2017 - Disposiciones de la Ley que Regula el Uso de la Fuerza Pública en el Estado de México.

29 August 2017 - Philippines - PHL 11/2017 - Memorandum Order No. 64, which calls for and allows random and mandatory drug testing at higher education institutions in the Philippines, as well as other measures affecting primary and secondary education institutions. Government response: 18 Oct 2017, 15 Aug 2018

14 August 2017 - Mongolia - MNG 1/2017 - Welcoming the new criminal code, entry into force on 1 July 2017, which abolishes the death penalty for all crimes in Mongolia. Government response:10 Jan 2018

11 August 2017 - Libya - LBY 3/2017 - Violations of and threats to the right to life of migrants and refugees in Libya and those intercepted in Search and Rescue (SAR) operations by the Libyan coast guard and forcibly returned to and detained in the country.

8 August 2017 - European Union - OTH 18/2017 - Search and Rescue (SAR) operations on the Mediterranean Sea and the draft Code of Conduct for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in this area. Government response:19 Oct 2017

8 August 2017 - Italy - ITA 3/2017 - Search and Rescue (SAR) operations on the Mediterranean Sea and the draft Code of Conduct for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in this area. Government response: 16 Oct 2017

16 February 2017 - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - BOL 1/2017 - Promulgación por parte de la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinominal de Bolivia, de la Ley No. 897 que crea una Comisión de la Verdad "para esclarecer los asesinatos, desapariciones forzadas, torturas, detenciones arbitrarias y violencia sexual, entendidas como violaciones graves de derechos humanos, fundados en motivos políticos e ideológicos, acontecidos en Bolivia del 4 de noviembre de 1964 al 10 de octubre de 1982".


30 November 2016 - Pakistan - PAK 10/2016 - Negative consequences of the interpretation of articles 199 and 187 of the Pakistani Constitution by Pakistani Supreme Court and High Courts' jurisdiction on the right to life of those facing the death penalty.

21 June 2016 - Indonesia - IDN 6/2016 - Presidential decree (Perppu No.1/2016), which modifies the 2002 Law No.23 on Child Protection and provides additional punishments for perpetrators of sexual violence against children such as chemical castration and the death penalty.

14 June 2016 - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) - VEN 7/2016 - Disposiciones del Decreto No. 2.323 publicado en la Gaceta Oficial No. 6.227 el 13 de Mayo de 2016. Government response: 17 Aug 2016

31 May 2016 - Other actors - Mineral Commodities Limited (MRC).- OTH 17/2016 - Assassination of the environmental human rights defender, Mr. Sikhosiphi Rhadebe in South Africa.