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The special procedures communications database contains a wealth of information, some of which can now be explored in a visual way. Discover communications sent by the UN special rapporteurs on the situation of human rights defenders, on freedom of opinion and expression and on freedoms of assembly and association through an interactive map. These three independent mandates regularly address alleged incidents, events, legal developments, and policies affecting the capacity of civil society to contribute to debates, take part in public affairs and defend human rights. 

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How to use the map

The map allows you to navigate based on countries, companies, international organisations, and other actors that received the communications, timeframes and mandates. 

  • Click directly on a country on the map, or 
  • Select a region in the table “recipient of communications”. 
  • Determine the period of years you want to see communications from, using the slide bar “select range of years”. The “total nb. of communications” shown reflects the total communications sent to the selected country(ies) or actor(s) in the selected period of years.
  • To read a short summary and get more details on each communication and replies received, hover your mouse over (desktop) or click (mobile) on the recipient country or actor listed.
  • You can also follow the links listed to check the full communications or replies.