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High-level Conference: Together To Achieve Universal Social Protection By 2030
5 February 2019

The High Commissioner said,

“ILO has done a tremendous job in researching and showing evidence that even the poorest countries can afford a universal social protection system, through the social protection floor approach. For example, an ILO study from 2017 indicated that a social protection system including allowances for all children; maternity benefits for all women with newborns; benefits for all persons with severe disabilities; and universal old-age pensions costs on average just 1.6 per cent of GDP. A range of developing countries have already established universal social protection, and many of our speakers today have experience of setting up measures for social protection in resource-challenged situations—as I do. We can speak to the very powerful effect these systems can have in curbing poverty and marginalisation, reinvigorating the economy, and upholding human dignity.”

ILO’s Global Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for All
24 October 2018

During this meeting, the High Commissioner discussed her efforts, as President of Chile, to reform the pension system and introduce more solidarity in economic policy. She also highlighted the work of the ILO Commission she participated in, to develop recommendations for comprehensive social protection systems

“on the basis of values that we all share: a globalization that brings opportunities not threats, social cohesion that leads to justice and stability, and an economy that garners dynamism through the strengthening of human capital…What we are witnessing is the forging of a consensus regarding the link between social protection floors and more inclusive development. We are beginning to accept that there are no shortcuts to true development, and that wellbeing in the long term can only be achieved through investment in people—without exception.”