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Report on modalities for the establishment of a "femicide watch"

23 September 2016
Special Rapporteur on violence against women
To the General Assembly at its 71st session


In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences provides an account of her activities since her previous report, up to July 2016.

Following a call for input on the adequacy of the international legal framework on violence against women, she presents the views of the regional mechanisms and of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on that issue.

The Special Rapporteur also addresses femicide, or the gender-related killing of women. She proposes the establishment of “femicide watch” panels at global, national and regional levels in order to analyze data on femicides and propose concrete measures to prevent such crimes.

She outlines the modalities for establishing observatories on femicide and lists key steps to be taken at the inter-governmental level. She also highlights good practices on data collection on femicides, recalling that importance of handling information in line with international standards on privacy protection.

Read more on the femicide watch initiative.


The Centre for Women, Peace and Security at the London School of Economics convened an expert group meeting on femicide on 1 June 2016. It brought together 16 experts from the academic world, civil society organizations and United Nations agencies and bodies with technical and practical expertise and experience in working on violence against women, including on statistics and crime prevention. The experts discussed recent global and regional initiatives in the area of femicide. The discussion and material shared by the participants informed the present report to a large degree, as did contributions by other experts and United Nations agencies, especially UNODC.