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Special issue publications

Dimensions of Racism


01 January 2005


Racial discrimination

This publication relates to the proceedings of a Workshop to commemorate the end of the United Nations Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, held in Paris, from 19-20 February 2003. The background papers presented at the Workshop analysed racism and racial discrimination in specific contexts, including in education, the workplace, health, migration, contemporary forms of slavery, the media, the criminal justice system, and the experience of double discrimination based on gender and race. Those papers form the basis of the chapters in this book, with the aim of providing a better understanding, on a cross-cultural basis, of racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia. The publication examines how these phenomena manifest themselves and are experienced by victims. It explains how racism is currently combated and how it can be prevented. The intention is to generate interest and encourage students, in particular, to develop ideas on how to fight racism, and to become involved in that fight.


Published jointly by OHCHR with UNESCO

Print format:

A5 soft cover