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The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) produces an extensive range of publications on a variety of topics related to human rights, which provides information of interest to Governments, national institutions, civil society, the general public and the media.

The goal of OHCHR's publications programme is to increase knowledge and raise awareness about human rights and fundamental freedoms, and to publicize ways of promoting and protecting them worldwide. OHCHR publications also aim to encourage debate on human rights issues under discussion at the United Nations.

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OHCHR Publications and E-Products Catalogue 2024

OHCHR Publications and E-Products Catalogue 2024

The OHCHR Publications Catalogue 2024 features over 150 current and noteworthy titles available in multiple official United Nations languages.

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OHCHR Publications Desk

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations
CH – 1211 Geneva 10