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Press releases Multiple Mechanisms

United Nations Independent Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict

09 March 2015

Arabic | Hebrew

Geneva (9th March 2015): The Commissioners handed over a letter today to the President of the Human Rights Council requesting a deferral until June 2015 of their report. The report was due to be presented to the Council on 23rd March 2015. The Commissioners have indicated their desire for more time in order to assess the information that they have collected – much of which has only been received in recent weeks. They appreciate the concerns of all the victims and witnesses who have testified to the Commission and want to reassure them that they intend to do justice to their submissions. These are complex issues - weighing the facts and considering the legal questions that arise is something that should not be rushed under any circumstances.


Please note the Commissioners will not be doing media interviews at this stage. Contact us by email at: or telephone +41 798719824.