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Press releases Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Sentence given to Chinese activist Liu Xianbin “extremely harsh” – Pillay

Pillay on jailed Chinese activist

28 March 2011

GENEVA (25 March 2011) - The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said Friday she was deeply concerned about the extremely harsh sentence handed down to Chinese activist Liu Xianbin on Friday, and noted the worrying increase in imprisonments, house arrests and other restrictions on lawyers and human rights defenders in China over the past 18 months.

Liu Xianbin was sentenced to10 years in prison on the charge of "incitement to subvert state power" after writing a series of articles calling for democratic reforms.

"The extremely harsh sentencing of Liu Xianbin confirms the severe limits being imposed on freedom of expression in China, and is another example of the escalating clampdown on the activities of human rights defenders," Pillay said. “It runs counter to recent statements by China’s leadership recognizing the need for reform.”

Since December 2009, the High Commissioner has publicly and privately raised concerns about cases involving human rights defenders in China, including the jailing of activist Liu Xiaobo and the continued restrictions placed on his wife Liu Xia.

Since October, OHCHR has received well over a hundred reports of arrests, house arrests and other acts of intimidation, and -- most disturbingly -- the alleged disappearances of lawyers.

"Dissent is not a crime," Pillay said, "and I urge the Chinese authorities to release any person detained for peacefully exercising his or her right to freedom of expression."