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Press releases Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

UN human rights chief warns Côte d’Ivoire candidates they are accountable for supporters’ acts of violence

Cote d’Ivoire / Violence

01 December 2010

GENEVA (1 December 2010) – The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay expressed deep concern late Wednesday about the continuing deterioration of the overall situation in Côte d’Ivoire due to the delay in the announcement of provisional election results, and cautioned the two presidential candidates that they will be held accountable for acts of violence committed by their supporters.

“The delay in announcing the results has increased the fear and uncertainty among the Ivorian people,” Pillay said. “Radical political statements have created an environment that risks stimulating violence across the country, and in some areas already appear to be the main cause of inter-communal clashes.”

Pillay said, given the tense situation, it was imperative that the two candidates and their supporters “refrain from statements that incite violence, and from any course of action designed to deprive the people of Côte d’Ivoire of their right to democracy.”

The High Commissioner urged the two presidential candidates and other political leaders “to bear in mind the direct effect of their words and actions on their supporters,” and warned that “they may be held accountable for any violence committed in their name.”

She added that her office would continue to closely monitor the post-electoral situation in Côte d’Ivoire.

Read also: UN human rights chief urges Cote d’Ivoire presidential candidates and supporters to clearly renounce violence -

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