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Press releases


31 August 2001


'Colombia is facing an acute problem of displacement ', said Kofi Asomani, the United Nations Special Coordinator on Internal Displacement of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, upon his return from Colombia where he led a UN inter-agency Mission from 16 to 24 August.

The inter-agency Mission expressed grave concern over the numerous reports of targeting of civilians in the conflict, extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, forced relocation and sexual abuse. It called upon actors in the conflict to respect the norms that protect civilian populations. The Mission included representatives of UNICEF, UNHCR, UNDP, WFP, WHO, UNHCHR, among others.

The conflict in Colombia continues to have catastrophic consequences on the civilian population, forcing thousands of civilians - estimated at 80,000 persons since the beginning of the year - to abandon their homes and land in search of protection and a means of survival.

'In the past months, there has been a progressive increase in the numbers, geographical extension and political complexities of the displacement phenomenon. These populations are in urgent need of protection and assistance in almost every sector', said Mr. Asomani.

The Mission called for greater respect of the principles of humanitarian action, including those of impartiality, neutrality and non-discrimination.

Members of the Mission traveled to some of the most affected regions of Colombia and met with senior Government officials, representatives of UN agencies, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, representatives of civil society and the Church as well as members of the diplomatic community.

'Obviously, peace is the key to resolving the problem of displacement in Colombia. Nevertheless, while the conflict continues, it is necessary to continue to seek adequate solutions to allow the population to live in safety and dignity. The Government of Columbia agrees with this approach and I am confident that it will take the necessary steps to facilitate the implementation of solutions for the displaced', said Mr. Asomani.

The inter-agency Mission reiterated that the primary responsibility of the Government was ensuring the protection of internally displaced persons and underscored the need for the Government to address the widespread impunity, particularly with regard to crimes perpetrated against the displaced and against those advocating on their behalf.

The inter-agency Mission was encouraged by the Government's plans to increase the presence of the State in the affected municipalities and underscored the need for such a presence to encompass civilian authorities entrusted with the protection of displaced populations.

While recognizing the significant efforts undertaken by the Government and the humanitarian community to address the needs of the displaced, the Mission noted that these vulnerable populations continued to suffer extreme hardship and poverty. A large majority of the displaced lived in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions with limited access to basic services such as health, water and sanitation and education.

Once displaced, Colombians receive very little assistance beyond a three-month emergency package. The Government and the humanitarian and development community need to attach greater attention to addressing the medium and longer-term needs of the displaced populations. The cessation of emergency assistance should occur only when the displaced have been provided with adequate means to recreate a sustainable livelihood.

The Mission urged the Government to pursue the effective implementation of its Law 387 of 18 July 1997 on attention to displaced populations. Furthermore, given the vulnerable status of the displaced populations, priority concern for this group should be mainstreamed in all areas of national policy, including health, education and social investment. The issue of internal displacement should also be prioritized in the peace agenda, as a critical factor in peace building efforts.

The Mission reiterated the need for the United Nations and the wider international community to continue to support efforts of the Government in addressing the plight of the internally displaced persons. The Mission also encouraged the United Nations to develop a comprehensive plan of action to complement efforts of the Government to protect and assist vulnerable populations.

The Mission is part of the on-going work of the UN Inter Agency Network on Internal Displacement, created in September 2000, to review critical situations of internal displacement and make proposals for an improved response to their needs.

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