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15 November 2004

15 November 2004

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for human rights in Cambodia issued the following statement on 14 November 2004 in Phnom Penh:

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for human rights in Cambodia, Peter Leuprecht, concludes his eleventh official mission today. During the course of his visit, he has met with His Majesty, the King; with representatives of the Royal Government of Cambodia including the Prime Minister; leaders of political parties; court and law enforcement authorities; non-governmental organizations; leaders of trade unions; Cambodian citizens whose human rights have been violated; the media; the United Nations Country Team; and members of the diplomatic and donor communities.

The primary purpose of his mission was for the Special Representative to update himself on the human rights situation in Cambodia for his report to the sixty-first session of the Commission on Human Rights. He paid particular attention to the management of land and natural resources, the continuing problem of impunity, and to corruption which impacts negatively on the realisation of a range of human rights and distorts the allocation of economic resources so as to further exacerbate existing inequalities. He examined issues of justice sector reform, freedoms of association and assembly, indigenous land rights and issues relating to the proposed trials of senior Khmer Rouge leaders. He reiterated his call for the establishment of an independent commission to investigate the deplorable phenomenon of mob killings. He visited, in the company of representatives of the Governor, the former theatre “Hamacheat” in central Phnom Penh where over one hundred families live. He was shocked by the inhumane conditions he found.

Mr. Leuprecht releases today a report on land concessions for economic purposes from a human rights perspective. In his foreword to the report, he states that the policies are wrong, that companies have been given rights over land that are very similar to ownership, and yet they have little or no regard for the welfare of the people, and contribute little to state revenue. The Special Representative is calling for full disclosure of information concerning all concessions in Cambodia, including economic concessions. The aim of the report is to contribute to better public understanding of the issues and to help bring about the changes in policy and practice that are necessary for the sake of Cambodia, its rural poor and for future generations.

The Special Representative deplores the grenade attack in the night of 13 November on villagers peacefully protesting renewed activities in the Pheapimex concession in Pursat province. He calls for a thorough investigation into the attack and appeals to the authorities to listen to the people and to be responsive to their concerns.

For further information, please contact: Federica Donati,